Fee Schedule

The School Fees is collected
for a period of 3 months.

Fee Structure :

Fees is to be paid latest by the 15th day of the concerned month between 8am. to 1pm. at the School Office. In case 15th is a Holiday, fees must be deposited a day before.

If a parent fails to deposit the fees by the due date a late payment charge of Rs 50/- per day will be levied. (In the view of COVID-19 Monthly Fees is also acceptable by 15th of the month without any fine).

Fees payable for twelve months :
As per rule no. 164 of Education Act, all fees and funds shall be charged for a full period of twelve months, from the students at the rates specified in these rules except in the following case:A second fee for the same month shall not be charged from a student on transfer from one Government or aides school to another Government or aided school: Provided that he gives proof of payment of fees and funds in the former school.

We prefer ONLINE, CARD or CASH Payment. In case of payment by cheque, the cheque is to be drawn in favour of Aster Public School KP5. Cheque will be accepted subject to the condition that, if required unpaid, Rs 500/- will be charged and Cheques will not be accepted in future.

The School Fees is collected for a period of 3 months.

Name of the Student to be struck off for non-payment of fees and contribution :
As per rule no. 167 of Education act, if a student omits or fails to pay the fees and contribution due to a school together with the fine due thereon by the last working day of the month in which they are due, his/her name shall be struck off the rolls of the School on the last working day of the month and may be re-admitted on payment of all school dues including fresh admission fee.

Transport facility will not be provided/discontinued in mid session.

The office of the school remains open even during Summer/Winter Vacations, but remains closed on all notified holidays.

SESSION (2025-2026)

Aster Public School, Knowledge Park 1

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